Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tis the Season -

If you live in an area where there has been a lot of rain, like we do, then you've got a lot of ticks and fleas early in the season - a lot.  Here's a resource website that focuses on those pesky blood suckers - Yuck!  It talks about how to determine if your dog may have Lyme disease, how to remove ticks.
Not an advertisement - honestly.
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Bailey Be Good! said...

Hi! I'm so glad you stopped by to visit me! I'm sorry we met 'cause of a bad website, but glad you're gonna get your pictures removed.

Thanks for following me -- I followed you back!

Woofs & hugs,


Erin said...

We think your blog is Great and well deserving of the Award that is awaiting you on our blog here.